Friday, April 30, 2004

What I know for sure

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." --Albert Einstein

That, I believe, is why we know so little for certain. Oh, we may THINK we know things with absolute certainty, but, if you think about it, do we really? You may know that someone loves you--but how do you for sure? I just know, you might say. You think that the sun will rise tommorrow, but how do you know? It always has, why should it stop now, you say. Fine; believe in what you need to, because I do it too; we all do. It's how humanity exists, how it survives, how it thrives. But, as they say, you can never really know but one thing for sure--someday, death will happen. And that's it. Everything else is speculation, hope, faith, trust, and pixie dust; things so important but nevertheless not concrete. This is my version of Oprah's monthly "What I know for sure" column. Except, since I am obviously not Oprah (my constant lack of money is a testimony to that ), I can only say what I think I know, what I sort of know, and maybe you'll agree, maybe you'll disagree, but you are reading this and having an opinion on it, and that's all I care about. So what do I sort of know for sure? I know that we are able to imagine, to create, to think to help us deal with the all the things we cannot know. And for this month at least, that's enough for me. Yours as ever,



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