Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I don't know...

...what the hell is up with the comment thing on here, but it's not working. So I'm going to post this comment because...well, just because. I like reading it; so sue me. And if I say awww and look a little teary because someone cares enough to say so...can you really blame me?

"Friends are a good thing. I need to remember that..."

Tis a good thing to remember... and if you remember them, chances are they'll remember you. :)I Love ya Lyra! You're a good friend. Stay that way. :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

My apologies...

For a writer, there is no subject that cannot be talked about, nothing that cannot be said. --Patrick Lane Zoe Trope. She's really pretty awesome. She talks to strangers.

2004-07-19 11:58 Likewise the person at the top, I ran your name through a search engine after I read your book (which I really truly enjoyed, can't say that about a lot of things) and lo and behold, here we are. By the way, I just now realized what a zoetrope sad is that?

zoe_trope 2004-07-19 12:55  lyra-- thanks for taking the time to read the book. and don't worry about your delayed realization. i've explained to many people the true meaning of the word zoetrope, and its association with the coppolas, and its meaning for me. it's actually sort of complicated, i suppose.

Visit her at

  • If I've thrown quotes in italian at you lately, it's partly the fault of this site: Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629). The Comedy is brilliant, more people should read it in it's original, it's fun to confuse you. I'm sorry, I take my pleasures where I can get them:)
  • Watch this, if you haven't already: AtomFilms - This Land Soooooo bad...but soooooo funny.
  • Seems my commenty thing on here is acting screwy...hmm...
  • I hate packing.

Someone tell it so wrong to want?

Monday, July 19, 2004

Some things I learned recently...

"You feel like there is something more to your life that you have not yet discovered. Go the distance and you will discover more about yourself than you ever dreamed possible." -- Madame Leota

  •  I have a rather sever case of (Dis ney i' tis) n 1.condition related to the uncontrollable desire to return to “The Park”. Only known relief is a trip to Disneyland. There is no permanent cure....and no cure is being researched as those afflicted don't WANT one! People who suffer from Disneyitis have also been known to spend an unusual amount of time at their local Disney Stores to temporarily relieve some of the symptoms associated with the disease. They will also tape, watch, re-watch, and re-re-watch Disney videos, specials, parades, vacation planners, etc. Also will subscribe to Disney Magazine, and will read every brochure on Disney they can get their hands on. They will sport hats, coats, jackets, pants, and carry bags with Disney logos. Can't go more than one full year without going to “The Park” without becoming suicidal, or worse, homicidal! And no matter how many vacation days they take, they always seem to get ticked off at everything one or even two days before they have to leave “The Park” and go back to the rat race. Find out if you've got it as bad as I do.
  • I am not the only one who loves flip flops. I am, however, probably the only one who wears them in winter to prove a point to people who don't care, and pretend I am somewhere I am not.

Oberlin is not the school I thought it was. I haven't decided whether this is a good thing or a bad thing...


By Jean Pearce, November 5, 2003

Most parents would not knowingly send their kids to a college where radical political and sexual indoctrination by the faculty and administration was virtually inescapable. Most parents would be concerned if their offspring were taught that the Arab television network al-Jazeera was the best source of news about the Iraq war or if faculty and administrators indoctrinated students with a one-sided message about U.S. foreign policy both inside and outside the classroom, then helped them organize protests against their country. Most parents would be concerned if their kids were exhorted to have sex by campus-sponsored speakers or encouraged to get promiscuous at orgies hosted by the college and attended by both students and faculty. But the folks who send their kids to Ohio's Oberlin College aren't typical parents. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Oberlin is the number-one college choice for professors' kids in the Northwest. It's also popular with the children of far-Left activists, many of whom attended the school themselves. And it's become a haven for gay and transgender students.Click here to read the rest of the article at

  • If I am not careful  could severly abuse these lovely new text color options.
  • I should not write about things I don't understand...nah, scratch that one.
  • Friends are a good thing. I need to remember that.


Thursday, July 15, 2004


At the end of the line, we gather.
When their shadows fade and slip away, we know.
That blood-blackened hour of neither night nor day, we claim.

Tell us lies, sister.

The void draws nearer, swirling, fingering our essence, but in vain; it cannot take us. And then they come.

Pouring in, droves of them, some fighting, some not. They know our power.

Not yet, my sisters, oh no, not yet...

They swarm like hungry mosquitoes, hungry for blood, hungry for life. Just one taste, We are all, and we are final.

But which ones? Which pretty ones to keep, and which to throw away?

That one is too sticky; and that one, too calloused. That one hurts our eyes, the devil take him...oh, we do amuse ourselves, don't we sisters?

Yes, yes, that one, that one!

It is done, and the masses collapse into the absence. And now we must play.

Ooh, touchy little thing, isn't it, sisters?
Watch it squirm...what is this one's tragedy, I wonder? Shall we dare, oh yes...too empty to refuse. Now.

Dance, pretty one, dance your tale for us. Writhe in your phantom agony, and please us.

It jerks unpleasantly, wonderfully, horribly. But the order has been given, it's choice made for it. Let it, now.

So it begins, a blood-filled deluge, rising, twisting, destroying; all those, and here, and here, and here. Again.

Oh, we chose well, my dears...

Show us more, pretty one. Give in to us, and you shall see your release. This we promise. This we know. We want your secrets; give them to us!

At last, it is time. The silence breaks its vigil, and we give ourselves up to the flooding torrent; and we are sated.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Zoe Trope...

The following commercial has audio with mute button. lost on me. It's not the gayness--or, lesbianess, if you will--it's that she Three hundred slices of trees and at the end what do you have? Some fragments and a headache from trying to figure them out and arrange them into some sort of meaningful display. But maybe that's the point, mmm? She did that on purpose...or she's insane, one of the two. I get it. I get it. But what is it that I get?

And so...

I am back to occupying my own conciousness sad.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Public Service Announcement

Will be out of my mind for about a week...