Friday, March 04, 2005

no titles tonight

"'All I saw was a scared little girl afraid to leave her life because she doesn't know her way around yet. It's really not that bad, now is it.?' "

1. defenestration (!)
2. serendipity
3. onomatopoeia
4. discombobulate
5. plethora
6. callipygian
7. juxtapose
8. persnickety
9. kerfuffle
10. flibbertigibbet

  • Greatest achievement to date: getting my family to find Queer Eye as funny as I do.


Blogger Jeanne said...

queer eye is awesome. :-)

10:19 AM  
Blogger Sora said...

I needed some anonymity.

And, I know, right? :)

5:18 PM  

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