Tuesday, November 16, 2004

On the merits of public display...

...or, why arguing with yourself is pointless.

Exhibit A: last night

What is the point of a public blog exactly?

Umm...so that other people can see what I'm thinking.

Ohh, right, like they care.

They might!

They don't, trust me.

Fine. Then it's for me, so I can say what I want to, when I want to.

But you don't.

Yes I do. I do!

No. That's the problem with anything public, you will never ever say the full and complete truth as you see it. You just won't, it's a trait that society had built into you.

Maybe that's true.

It is true. You can either be nice and dance around what you are really thinking and people will like you, or you can say what you think as you think it and people will hate you for the truth. Because no one, no one, wants to hear the truth, no matter what they say.

Besides the fact that there IS no one truth--perception is everything, don't forget--I say what I think. I just write whatever and force myself not to care that it can be seen as it is, sucky or not. If I let it matter, I wouldn't do it. And I'd never get anywhere, would I?

You might. Just look at GBS. He spent his whole life saying what he thought was the truth, and everyone loved him for it.

He was brilliant. I am just me.

Isn't that good enough?

Sometimes I think it is.

What if you took a risk here?


Write like you write in the blue notebook. Write like no one will see it.

I can't do that.


You know why.

Yes. I do. And that's exactly why you should.


Blogger Sora said...

actually i did write it...or rather, i wrote down the conversation i was having with myself last night at three a.m., word for word, because it kept replaying in my head on an endless loop...why?

8:13 PM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

You can post the 100% truth, I have in the past without caring what people think, and I do it without names in my ramblings blog. I believe you can post it if you don't care what others think, but you can't post it all the time, but I'm more honest in my blog then I am anywhere else. So maybe its just different per person. ;-) and I know you can. It's good.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Sora said...

oh, the blue notebook...that is my world, you see. that is the last place i can go.

7:46 PM  

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