Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I don't know...

...what the hell is up with the comment thing on here, but it's not working. So I'm going to post this comment because...well, just because. I like reading it; so sue me. And if I say awww and look a little teary because someone cares enough to say so...can you really blame me?

"Friends are a good thing. I need to remember that..."

Tis a good thing to remember... and if you remember them, chances are they'll remember you. :)I Love ya Lyra! You're a good friend. Stay that way. :)



Blogger Sora said...

Yeah well...doesn't happen often, so enjoy it while you can:)

And the comment thing is working again 'cause I fussed real loud and they fixed it for

1:30 PM  

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