Sunday, May 09, 2004

Not entirely Wicked...

Though Oz had given her a twisted life, hadn't it also made her capable?

Can anyone guess the theme of the day? No? Good, because there really isn't one, at least not one that I've consciously decided on. That's the beauty of it; I can say whatever I need to here...

--A friend of mine does beautiful artwork, and she has a website where you can see some of it here. She does a lot of faeries, but is talented at pretty much any medium you can think of; and she's even had her illustrations published in books. I've known her for, let's see, about 6 or 7 years; and I remember much of her early work, which she probably would not like me to mention (i.e., the cartoons, my dear :) But for all that she is artist in every way, shape, and form, and a good person besides. So go take a look at her site, all right? :)

--The book I am reading right now is Kushiel's Dart , by Jacqueline Carey , and it is absolutely fabulous. The page count is 701, and so much happens within those 701 pages...I still have about 200 to go, but I already know that this book is going on my short list of favourites. The characters, the language, the writing style, the pure passion that is in's the kind of book that won't let you abandon it for long...for the last week I have done nothing but live in the world of Terre D'Ange and it's people; and thankfully I won't have to leave it anytime soon, because there are two more equally long books of betrayal yet to live through...