Tuesday, May 11, 2004

You know you're an D'Angeline WHEN...

--even the engineers in your country value form over function.
--when you're pretty, you know it, and you simply must tell everyone you see about it.
--sexual education is taught by demonstration.
--being a prostitute is a form of Godly worship.
--one of your "gods" was a prostitute.
--when it's vulgar to show an unfinished tattoo (marque) that covers your entire back.
--when it's not vulgar to show everything else.
--when in your country, ED is something that just doesn't happen.
--when the top prostitute in the nation has a seat on the government board.
--when a bad hair day really can ruin your image.
--when going to a noble's party in a transparent gown doesn't get you thrown in jail.
--when you can use yourself as proof that yes, there is a God!
--When you're thinking of the proper reply to this, but your attention is captured by the magnificent sunset outside your window, and you decide that enjoying such transient and amazing beauty is more important than writing some silly board post.
--When you have to rush down to the corner Apothecary store to get a package of noBeGets before your Assignation.
--When you can give someone the reason "I'm D'Angeline," without cracking up immediately afterwards.
--When painting a frantic Cassiel running after Elua, who had too much wine and is streaking in the capital telling everyone to "Love as thou wilt!" isn't considered blasphomous.
Or not TOO blasphemous.

Kids these days.

--when being an "angel" might just imply you are a kinky fiend.
--when being 'religious' is sooooooooooo worthwhile.
--when taking a lover while you're still married and your spouse knowing about it doesn't destroy your marriage.
--And sometimes that lover is of the same sex, which isn't a bad thing either.
--when "I am D'Angeline" is used to explain everything from "I'm beautiful and you aren't" to "I just went to a masque wearing a transparent gown sewn with diamonds".
when even your most modestly concealing gown might offend the local Rebbe.
--when you have to remind the seamstress that even though she pricked you with a pin, she doesn't get any sexual favors.


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