Thursday, June 10, 2004

Bon Voyage package for Meg:)

Well, hon, I wanted to get you some things for your trip...but you know how broke I am lol. So instead here are the things I would have gotten you (and I may, someday), had I the means:

A signed copy of Kushiel's Dart, because 1) I know where to get one, 2) You are going to need some serious reading material for the flight, and this is plenty long enough, and 3) It is just a great book in general, and I know you would like it.

A bottle of Italian Love Affair...because I hope you have one:)

And I don't have a picture of the third thing, but it's a notebook, well, two really, one with lined pages for writing covered in smooth red leather, and one with blank pages for drawing covered in black leather. They are the perfect size for carrying with you, and I always keep one with me, just in never know when you may need to write something down.

Have a good trip:)


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